poniedziałek, 16 października 2017

Seria "Legion of Angels" autorstwa Ella Summers

"Legion Aniołów" to seria stosunkowo nowej autorki Ella Summers. Wydana jedynie po angielsku, jak dotąd jedynie 5-tomowa seria z gatunku miejskiej fantastyki opowiada o losach Ledy Pierce, która pracuje jako łowca nagród dla rodzinnej firmy. Zamieszkuje wraz ze swoją rodziną adopcyjną "kresy cywilizacji". Innymi słowy mieszka blisko linii granicznej pomiędzy ziemiami nadzorowanymi przez anioły, a dzikimi terenami stanowiącymi domenę potworów, oddzielonymi jedynie murem chronionym magicznie. Kiedy brat Ledy - Zane zostaje porwany przez „mroczne anioły” ze względu na swoje unikalne zdolności, jedyną możliwością na jego odszukanie pozostaje skorzystanie z telepatycznych umiejętności. Jedyny problem jest taki, że zdolności takie posiadają jedynie anioły, które są nieliczne. Aby stać się jednym z nich Leda wstępuje do „Legionu Aniołów”. Jednak droga do zostania aniołem jest długa i pełna niebezpieczeństw, a przetrwają jedynie najsilniejsi.

Leda zawiera nowe przyjaźnie, choć legion nie wspiera tego rodzaju relacji.

Szczerze polecam tę serię. Dlaczego? 

Autorka przedstawiła w ciekawy sposób świat, gdzie różnice pomiędzy aniołami a "demonami" są bardziej symboliczne niż realne. Istnieje jasna i ciemna strona tej samej mocy, które powinny być jednością, a nie są. 

Podoba mi się koncepcja "Legionu Aniołów" i sposobu w jaki adepci osiągają coraz to bardziej skomplikowane magiczne zdolności.

Po za tym cykl zawiera dobrze napisany wątek romantyczny. Podoba mi się także sposób ukazania więzi pomiędzy poszczególnymi członkami rodziny Ledy.

Vampire's Kiss (Legion Of Angels #1)

Once you sip the Nectar of the gods, there’s no going back. 

Leda Pierce is working as a paranormal bounty hunter on the Frontier, the dividing line between human civilization and the plains of monsters. Life is simple and the pay modest, but at least she has her family. That is, until a vampire hunt goes wrong and her brother goes missing, captured by the dark angels of hell. 

With no magical powers of her own and no way to find him, Leda’s only option is to go to New York and join the Legion of Angels, an elite unit of supernatural soldiers with powers gifted to them by the gods themselves. If she can survive long enough to make it up the ranks, she will gain the magic she needs to find her brother. 

But Leda soon finds herself on the wrong side of a conspiracy that will shake up the supernatural world—and at the mercy of a fiercely powerful and tempting angel. 

Witch's Cauldron (Legion Of Angels #2)

Something wicked is brewing in New York. 

“A month ago, I watched in horror as six of my fellow initiates died after sipping the Nectar of the gods, a heavenly drink that either grants you magical powers or kills you. I can’t believe I’m coming back for seconds.” 

Leda Pierce has survived the gods’ first test and gained entry into the Legion of Angels, but the fight is far from over. Someone is poisoning the supernaturals of New York. Suspecting witches, the Legion sends in Leda to investigate. To save the city, she will need magic she doesn’t have—and gaining that magic might just kill her. Now her survival depends on accepting help from the darkly seductive angel Nero, but that help comes with a price she cannot afford to pay. 

Siren's Song (Legion Of Angels #3)

When gods and demons clash, mortals bleed.

Leda Pierce’s latest mission brings her back to her hometown at the edge of the Frontier. But things have taken a turn for the worse in the six months since she left home to join the Legion of Angels in New York City. Crime lords now rule over the town, and the beasts’ numbers are exploding just beyond the great magic wall that separates humanity from the plains of monsters.

Together with the fiercely seductive angel Nero, Leda guides a group of pilgrims across the monster-infested expanse to the ruins of the final battle between gods and demons. What begins as a pilgrimage, however, soon turns into a treasure hunt for an ancient weapon that could tip the balance of power between heaven and hell—and spirals into an intrigue that pits Leda and Nero against a rogue member of the Legion, a legendary angel as powerful as he is black-hearted.

Dragon's Storm (Legion Of Angels #4)

The supernatural storm of the century is coming. 

Leda’s quest to gain the magic she needs to save her brother leads her to the castle of the Dragons, home of four soldiers in the Legion of Angels with extraordinary powers over the elements. If she makes it through their training, she might just survive her next sip of the gods’ Nectar and level up her magic. 

But the gods’ gifts of magic come at a price. Leda can already feel the Nectar changing her, making her less human—and so is her budding romance with the angel Nero. Sip by sip, kiss by kiss, the change is taking hold of her. 

As if that’s not enough, Leda finds herself once again caught between the armies of heaven and hell—and tempted by a darkness that threatens to consume the Earth. 

Shifter's Shadow (Legion Of Angels #5)

Next to the powers of heaven and hell, we are nothing. 

“So this was just one gigantic, cosmic war between light and dark magic. And we were only a small part of it, a tiny dot in the gods’ empire. It was no wonder that they saw us as insignificant.” 

Tested by the gods, Leda and her angelic mate Nero venture into the City of Ashes, a fallen fortress in the Western Wilderness where nightmarish monsters reign supreme and an ancient secret is buried. To survive the Gods’ Trials, they will have to save the city—and they will have to do it without their magic. 

Their victory, however, comes at a heavy price. And the secret they uncover will upset the balance of power between Earth and heaven.